Caminants en hores baixes,
transporten la nit,
no s'hi acosta ocellada,
esgarips esfumats de tenebres,
amaguen tempestes i es canvien de vestit...
En silenci submit,
mostren faceta negra,
floten cares bonyades, esgarriades,
inflats estenen tels
i es riuen de nosaltres,
duen nos malsons.
Dim beings of the night
Walkers at low hours,
carrying the night,
the flock doesn’t approach,
dim squawks of the darkness,
conceal storms and change dress ...
In the silence, immersed,
they show a black facet,
bulging faces floating, wandering,
inflated they extend veils
and laugh at us,
they bring our nightmares.
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