Bat la foscor que, per un fanal, vol ser acompanyada
i fila amb els seus tints sobre l'aire.
En cada petit cantó de racons s'hi amaguen,
ombres, i guaiten petites i esporuguides dins matolls,
en cada forat, rere solcs, entremig de fils de tendals pengen,
que s'hi amaguen cada nit, per habitar-hi.
Que quan clareja s'estiren llargs, doncs marxen.
I es van desfent, se'n van.
The darkness beats, for it wants to be accompanied by the lamp post
and spins with its dyes in the air.
In every little edge of corners are hidden,
shadows, guarding small and frightened in bushes,
in every hole, every furrow, in between threads hanging from awnings,
hiding within every night to inhabit it.
When it dawns, they stretch long, for they leave.
And they fade away, they go.
The darkness beats, for it wants to be accompanied by the lamp post
and spins with its dyes in the air.
In every little edge of corners are hidden,
shadows, guarding small and frightened in bushes,
in every hole, every furrow, in between threads hanging from awnings,
hiding within every night to inhabit it.
When it dawns, they stretch long, for they leave.
And they fade away, they go.
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